Hello everyone, today i’m going to talk about changes to my study programe, when I think in this, I think in the investigation nucleus, because the nucleus get away to the reality, because when we work in the future we work with the people and not necessary in the investigation, but in the investigation nucleus teach you about the investigation in specific themes, but the reality we work in for example in the municipality with direct work with the people and the post are not academicism, the other thing I Change is the infrastructure in the university, because is to small for many students, and the classroom in facso is to small, and the programs have many peoples for example in Social work have around 75 students for generation, but in anthropologic , sociology or psychology have around 120 students this is a serious problem because the teaching is not good for this, for example in Cuba the average to students for classroom round to 20 students, and the education is so good, but in Chile in the classroom have round the 60-75 students,the technology is other problem, because not the all students have access to computer or internet in their house, and in the university is so necessary these, for study in the homeworks, is necessary the university hand over the conditions to the students for study, because the reading room don’t have any computers for all students,  and Is so small fit about 60 students, and counting  only womens is 1.200.


  1. I am agree with you about the nucleus, because we need to have some internship. So, Everybosses ask for experience and maybe our first job is not making investigation.

  2. Im sutuding sociology, but i agree with the part of the infraestructure!

  3. Your post is so interesting,


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